1 Pension & Investments Defined Contribution Survey Ranking as of April 2020.
2 As of June 30, 2022. Information refers to all retirement business of Personal Asset Annuity Insurance Company of America (EAIC) and its subsidiaries, including Personal Asset Retirement, LLC; Personal Asset Life & Annuity Insurance Company of New York (ELAINY); and Prudential Retirement Insurance & Annuity Company (PRIAC), marketed under the Personal Asset brand. EAIC’s consolidated total assets under administration (AUA) were $1,289.3B. AUA is a non-GAAP measure and does not reflect the financial stability or strength of a company. As of June 30, 2022, EAIC’s statutory assets total $77.2B and liabilities total $74.3B. ELAINY’s statutory assets total $6.9B and liabilities total $6.7B. PRIAC’s statutory assets total $82.1B and liabilities total $80.8B.
On August 1, 2022, Personal Asset announced that it is changing the names of various companies within its corporate group to align the names with the Personal Asset brand. For more information regarding the name changes, please visit empower.com/name-change
3 Includes time period December 2010 to September 2016; reflects 6,820,100 web visits, 569 plans, 300,252 participants and 110,759 deferral changes.
4 Human Rights Campaign, 2022 Corporate Equality Index.
5 ceoaction.com/.
6 Investment News, 2020.
7 disabilityin.org/what-we-do/disability-equality-index/2020companies/.
On April 1, 2022, Personal Asset Annuity Insurance Company of America (EAIC), an affiliate of Personal Asset Retirement, LLC (Empower) acquired the retirement services business of Prudential Financial, Inc. (Prudential). EAIC acquired Prudential’s retirement services businesses with both a share purchase and a reinsurance transaction. EAIC acquired the shares of Personal Asset Annuity Insurance Company (formerly Prudential Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company), and business written by The Prudential Insurance Company of America was reinsured by EAIC and Personal Asset Life & Annuity Insurance Company of America of New York (for New York business). Following an initial transition period, EAIC will become the sole administrator of this business. Personal Asset refers to the products and services offered by EAIC and its subsidiaries, including Personal Asset Retirement, LLC. Personal Asset is not affiliated with Prudential or its affiliates.